American Idle

It's kinda like American Idol, but only if you sing my posts out loud.

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Location: Hamilton Square, New Jersey, United States

Tax guy, host & producer of the Consumerism Commentary Podcast, former co-host of the Wall Street Journal E-Report

Friday, December 02, 2005


Why do @#$%&! smoke detector batteries only die in the middle of the night!? Seriously, who here has ever had the infamous low-battery chirp begin at, say, noon? It doesn't happen. I swear, these things are programmed to only start chirping at 2:15 AM.


Blogger Doobie said...

Wait. With the new code, you have to have a detector installed in every bedroom AND the hallways? That's insanity.

And yes, the waltz that's performed to find the affected detector is ridiculous. You think that they could just make the little red light blink so that you could find it easily. How much energy does THAT consume. I mean, I think the light on my Pink Floyd "Pulse" boxed for about two years before it finally died.

At least last night I knew the detecotr was right outside my bedroom because of the proximity of the sound and noise. Just hearing it chirp made me bolt upright in bed and I couldn't fall asleep until about two hours after I took the batteries out.

12/02/2005 8:15 AM  

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